Leftover Millennials
Leftover Millennials
Episode 17: The Ick (absolutely no one is safe)
This week we're doing a deep dive into the ick. From the origins of the word, what our icks are, what the general public's icks are (via Reddit and TikTok posts), what is it about men wearing no-show socks that Denny hates so much, and why does Khadija have too much compassion (they have since realized that Denny's listed icks are actually funny and they were being salty)?
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denny: https://www.instagram.com/pockypapi/
khadija: https://linktr.ee/khadijambowe
for business inquiries, email: theleftovermillennials@gmail.com
Podcast Art By: Alice Gaboury-Moreau, https://www.instagram.com/alice.gabou/?hl=fr
Music By: Davie Levesque, https://www.instagram.com/davrez/