Leftover Millennials
Leftover Millennials
Episode 18: Monogamy and Non-Monogamy with Kerry Sutra
Hey everyone! We're back this week with an episode about monogamy and non-monogamy (which we will probably have a follow-up episode on). Kerry Sutra, a sensuality, intimacy and relationship coach, joins us to discuss our hot takes on monogamy and non-monogamy.
Send in emails to theleftovermillennials@gmail.com for inquiries, advice, or some good ol' ego polishing.
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khadija: https://linktr.ee/khadijambowe
kerry: https://www.instagram.com/kerrysutra/?hl=en
for business inquiries, email: theleftovermillennials@gmail.com
Podcast Art By: Alice Gaboury-Moreau, https://www.instagram.com/alice.gabou/?hl=fr
Music By: Davie Levesque, https://www.instagram.com/davrez/